How to Choose a Wheelchair



The most important consideration when choosing a wheelchair is its size. The main places for wheelchair users to bear weight are around the ischium tubercle of the hip, around the femur, around the female fossa and around the shoulder blades.

How to Choose a Wheelchair

Wheelchair size

The most important consideration when choosing a wheelchair is its size. The main places for wheelchair users to bear weight are around the ischium tubercle of the hip, around the femur, around the female fossa and around the shoulder blades. The size of the wheelchair, especially the width and depth of the seat and the height of the backrest, as well as the distance between the footboard and the seat pad, will affect the blood circulation in the relevant parts of the seat, and cause skin rubbing and even pressure sores. In addition, issues such as the safety of the patient, handling ability, the weight of the wheelchair, where to use it, and its appearance should be considered.

Pay attention to problems

The width of the seat: measure the distance between the two hips or two strands when sitting down, in addition to 5cm that is, after sitting down on both sides of the 2.5cm gap. The seat is too narrow, which makes it difficult to get in and out of the wheelchair. If the seat is too wide, it is not easy to sit firmly. It is not convenient to maneuver the wheelchair, and the limbs are easy to tire. It is also difficult to enter and exit the door.

⑵ Seat length: The horizontal distance between the posterior hip and the calf gastrocnemius muscle was measured when sitting, and the measured result was reduced by 6.5 cm. If the seat is too short, the weight will mainly fall on the ischium, easy to cause local easy pressure too much; If the seat is too long, it will compress the popliteal fossa and affect the local blood circulation, and easily stimulate the skin. For patients with short thighs or flexion contracture of hips and knees, it is better to use short seats.

(3) Seat height: measure the distance between the heel (or heel) and the popliteal fossa when sitting, and add 4cm. When placing the foot pedal, the board surface should be at least 5cm from the ground. The seat is too high for the wheelchair to enter the table; If the seat is too low, the sitting bones bear too much weight.

Cushion In order to be comfortable and prevent bedsores, the chair of the wheelchair should be put on the cushion. Common cushions are foam rubber pads (5 ~ 10cm thick) or gel pads. A sheet of 0.6cm thick plywood can be placed under the seat cushion to prevent the seat from sinking.

⑸ Back height: the higher the back, the more stable, the lower the back, the greater the activity of the upper body and upper limbs. Low * back: Measure the distance from the sitting surface to the armpit (one or both arms flat forward) and subtract 10cm from this result. Height * Back: Measure the actual height from the sitting surface to the shoulder or back occipital.

⑹ armrest height: when sitting, the upper arm is vertical, the forearm is placed on the armrest, the chair surface is measured to the lower edge of the forearm height, plus 2.5cm. Proper armrest height helps maintain proper body posture and balance, and allows the upper limbs to be placed in a comfortable position. Armrest is too high, the upper arm is forced to lift, prone to fatigue. If the armrest is too low, the upper body needs to lean forward to maintain balance, which is not only easy to fatigue, but also can affect breathing.

With regard to the wheelchair, it is designed to meet the needs of special patients, such as increasing the friction surface of the handle, extending the casing, shock proof device, mounting arm rests on the handrail, or wheelchair table for the patient to eat and write

(8) Check the weight

Since your goal is to buy a lightweight wheelchair, choosing a lightweight wheelchair is the first requirement. A lighter wheelchair is obviously a better choice. Not only is it easier to move, it's easier to use. This means it will be easier to operate. Lighter wheelchairs are more expensive, relatively speaking.

(9) Check the materials

When buying a wheelchair, the material and durability of the wheelchair is an important consideration. Materials directly affect the weight of the wheelchair. The most common material is stainless steel (iron). However, iron wheelchairs are generally heavier. Aluminum alloy (aluminum) wheelchair correction is lighter, higher than iron wheelchair, carbon fiber material is the lightest, often used for sports wheelchair and high-end wheelchair price is higher.

(10) The quality of the tire

According to different application scenarios should choose the appropriate material of the tire. It is often used indoors to have low requirements on the elasticity of the wheelchair, and the outdoor is to have high requirements on the damping effect and easy to push the performance. The better the elasticity of the wheel, it is more suitable for a variety of technical actions, such as rotation, acceleration, retrograde, prancing and so on.

(11) Pay attention to comfort

Lightweight wheelchairs with different characteristics need to be examined. Avoid the discomfort of sitting in a wheelchair for too long. It's important to make sure the seat is the right height and width for the user. It should also have cushioning material. Handrails are also essential. It should not only be comfortable for the sitter, but also for the wheelchair-pusher.

(12) When purchasing an electric wheelchair, attention should be paid to its controller, motor battery and other parameters, especially the controller. If the quality of the controller is poor, there will be problems such as motion bias brake failure, which has safety risks.

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